Smo Services

SMO – Social Media Optimization


What is SMO?

Some call it Social Media Optimization. Others refer to it as Search Marketing Optimization. Either way, it is an integrated digital marketing methodology that represents the perfect marriage between search engine optimization (SEO) and social media. As a business in the Internet Age, you can’t exist without addressing the critical issues of online visibility and customer interaction. That’s exactly what SMO is designed to do.


Why SMO Is Important?

With SMO, you can ensure a strong web presence for the business and establish the internet authority of the brand. It not only introduces people to the business but also helps in branding, improving brand visibility, and recall. Social Media Optimization provides the opportunity to reach out to a niche audience.

Social Media Optimization is essentially using social media as a catalyst to grow your company’s online presence. Where some companies tend to just set up a profile on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to be where their customers are, SMO is about strategically creating, building, and maximizing your social media plan to connect with your target audience. SMO allows you to:

  • Strengthen your brand
  • Generate leads
  • Get more visibility online
  • Connect with your audience

Why SMO Is Important

The lines between Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Marketing are becoming increasingly blurred. In the past, the two were looked at as separate and distinct aspects of marketing. But the reality is that they’re more intertwined than you might think.

While getting 1,000 Tweets on an article won’t magically boost your rankings on Google, social media marketing and SEO are both stronger together. One survey found 50% of companies that aren’t succeeding with SEO aren’t integrating social media marketing.


What do We Do?

We treat the Facebook fan page as another website that needs to be optimized for a particular keyword or set of keywords. Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are incorporating social actions of the people in their search results and our team of Facebook SMO experts is apt to create buzz for your brand on this topmost and most popular social networking site.

To optimize your Facebook page, we will employ the below tactics:

  • Create a custom URL for your brand
  • Add Facebook Like Plugin into your website
  • Allow the user to add comments to increase the clicks on Like button
  • Post fresh, interactive and fun content including videos, trivia questions and polls
  • Add pictures in content that increase it’s Likes and Clicks
  • Optimize the keywords in the Information Section
  • And many more